McGregor Road and Henry Road Intersection

Marcon Civil were engaged to work on the McGregor Road and Henry Road Intersection. The project is part of the Pakenham Roads Upgrade as part of Victoria’s Big Build.

Marcon Civil were part of the team laying the 30 cubic metres of coffee concrete used in the footpath on McGregor Road, Pakenham. Five tonnes of spent coffee grounds – approximately 140,000 coffees worth of grounds – was converted into two tonnes of usable biochar, which was then mixed into the concrete.

Client: Bild Group

Project Value: $117K

Laying of coffee biochar concrete with MRPV and BildGroup staff on the Pakenham Roads Upgrade. Image courtesy of of Big Build VIC.


Various Tram Line Upgrades


Thompson Road Roundabout, Frankston to Dandenong